Date Night Series – #1

Todd and I moved to New West just over a year ago, in february of 2012. That entire year was a lifechanging one for me. I went from working a pretty lousy job, to working hard a growing my business into something that far succeeded what I imagined in one year. I also had the amazing opportunity to team up with Madison of Hope & Co. and start working on a little magazine called “The Refinery Magazine”. It was a crazy crazy year, and has only led to more craziness – thankfully it is all awesome craziness!

One of the most important things that helped that change was starting fresh in a new city: New Westminster. Even the name of the community screams: new, exciting, fresh, and old – all at the same time. After all, New West is the oldest city in British Columbia! When we first moved here we experienced some amazing new things, like walks on historic columbia, the rose garden in Queens Park, and date nights at the movie theatres or at some tiny restaurant down the street.

Starting this week, I pledge to write when I can about my experiences in New West, but also the wonderful things that Todd and I do together in the city we now call our long term home – or at least we plan to make it a long time!

First Off, we call it Burgers & Bowling:

How to start the date:

1. Strip off your work clothes after a long week. Call up Mel & Duncan who live across the street, or any couple that loves to have fun, and invite them out for burgers and bowling. Throw on a loose T-Shirt, hoodie, SOCKS, and your favourite pair of lululemons or jeans and head out the door.

2. Drive to Burger Heaven – This haven for burger lovers is a hidden gem for most residents outside of New West. Thankfully those who live here have usually tempted their tastebuds with some delicious meat, bread, and condiments. With a comfy atmosphere and good friends for chatting, the meal truly is angelic: home cooked goodness, without the mess afterwards. My favourite is their Miss Piggy’s favourite: #2 Teriyaki and Mozza Burger with bacon. Quite fitting.

Here is their website:

3. Aim to catch Cloud 9 Bakery before it closes, because not everyone can have a glutenous dessert. Head to Cloud 9 for some delicious baked goods that everyone can enjoy, even those who are gluten free. Their cupcakes are TO DIE for, including their fabulous carrot cake delectable.

Here is their website:

4. Finish it all with some beers and bowling at the local bowling alley: Lucky Strikes. Pull up your socks, put on your retro shoes, and bowl the night away. If you are lucky you may even catch disco night, so be prepared to wear white and feel transported back to the 80’s!

Here is their website:

I hope this provides you with some evening entertainment for maybe even this friday, and make sure to bring another couple along for this date, as 4 people just amps up the fun level even more. And of course, once you get home, its always a good time to turn on some JT or Robin Thicke, relax on the couch with a glass of wine, and chill.

Thank you new west for providing everyone with some entertainment. The Young, The Old, and The Romantics.

– Ainsley xoxo

P.S. This activity is age appropriate for everyone, so next time you have an evening free, take the kids along, or even the grandparents – or not!

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 1,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 3 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.


Not too bad considering I just started blogging a short time ago!



12 Day’s Of Christmas – A Partridge In A Pair Tree – Daily Wedding Inspiration

12 Day's of Christmas 1

With Christmas at our doorsteps, it is lovely to sit back and look at some wedding inspiration, whether it be on pinterest, WedOverHeels, VeilTV, Facebook and other creative outlets!

Introducing a daily blog feature counting down to Christmas, each day focusing on one of the gifts your true love might give to you! First up: A Partridge In a Pear Tree! Pears are one of my favourite fruits, and make wonderful desserts and fruits for weddings, plus, having a pear shaped body myself, I am partial to its delicate flavour and skin! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s inspiration: Two Turtle Doves! (now that will be easy!)

My take features golds and pears whipped all up in to a black tie affair!

From Top right going clockwise:

1. Preston Bailey Cocktails 2. Style Me Pretty 3. South Bound Bride 4.Pinterest 5. Loverly 6. Citrus & Orange


See you tomorrow Loves!

Ainsley xoxo

Bridal Blogger – The Countdown Begins – Tuesday Feature (rescheduled for Friday)

We appologize for not getting this out on tuesday. Our lives were crazy and our blogging team and wedding team was having a nutso day. No excuses however, we have to keep rolling and throwing out Emily’s awesome posts, because her words deserve to be heard. Here is a short one from her, today, but still just as important! ❤ xoxo


It’s been a crazy week for me, so I haven’t a ton of wedding planning.  That in itself stresses me out a little bit since we’re down to like 4 months until the wedding.  Yikes.

(not that I’m counting or anything)

I did get to sit down with Matt’s mom the other night to talk about the plans we’ve made so far and to work on ideas for the rehearsal dinner.  I have to say, even though Matt’s family and my family are completely different, I couldn’t be happier with my future in-laws.  I hear so many stories of strained mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships and it just makes me so thankful that Matt’s mom and I get along.  Whenever I go to their house I feel like I’m in my own home; I don’t have to feel uncomfortable with kicking my shoes off and taking a nap on their couch—and that’s saying something ‘cause let’s be honest, I’m an introvert and it takes me a really long time to get to that level of comfort with other people.

As for the rehearsal dinner, she’s been putting it together so well.  It’s so nice knowing that someone else is handling something that takes that much planning.   She’s been talking with the caterer and organizing the menu–something I would absolutely be dreading at this point.  I can only imagine what a dream it would be to have a wedding planner to organize everything else….  I guess it’s the price I pay for being a control freak and wanting to do everything DIY.
So for those of you who hired Ainsley to plan your wedding, you’re all geniuses.

Matt and I also bought our wedding bands this afternoon!  It was completely unplanned; our original intention was just to get my engagement ring cleaned and to renew the warranty, but they had a sale and we needed to buy the bands soon anyway.  So after a little bargaining with the jeweler, we walked out with a pretty good deal and two wedding bands on their way to get sized just for us.  That’s a good feeling.  Plus the band Matt got for me is completely stunning.  I am so incredibly blessed.

I apologize that I don’t have much more to write about this week, but if there’s anything you want me to write about in the future, just let me or Ainsley know and I’ll be sure to cover it!  Have a great Tuesday, everyone!